Call for paper:
Society for Research on Work Competency (SRWC) announces the 2022 Annual
International Meeting to be held on Saturday, Nov. 26 and Sunday, Nov. 27.
Dear Member of Society for Research on Work Competency / To Whom it May Concern,
While the world is still suffering from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, Japan Society for Research on Work Competency (SRWC) announces the 2022 Annual Meeting to be held for the purpose of decreasing the uncertainty and further promoting research exchanges among members and scholars.
So far, SRWC has been discussing the work competency in the midst of dramatic changes in the social environment and the work competency with the rapid development of IoT and AI. Following our previous activities in the related areas, the 2022 Annual Meeting further aims to advance work competency research at an international level.
Please find below detailed information about the meeting and paper submission. While the meeting location is in Tokyo, participants might choose to take part in online or in-person meetings. Also, speakers can use native languages, or Japanese, or English since automatic translation will be used during the meeting. Everyone interested is cordially invited to apply.
We are looking forward to your participation.
Chair, Japan Society for Research on Work Competency
Chisato SEKI
Chair, 2022 Annual Meeting Committee
Paper Submission Guidelines
Society for Research on Work Competency (SRWC) announces the 2022 Annual
International Meeting to be held on Saturday, Nov. 26 and Sunday, Nov. 27. Annual
Meeting Theme is the Work Competency in a New Era: Unchanged and changed, and
Innovations with the Development of Tradition and New Techniques. The meeting
will be held in WASEDA University in a hybrid mode with both in-person and online
participants via zoom.
Please find below detailed information about paper presentation at the international
Oral Presentation session includes 30 minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for
comments and Q&A. The session is scheduled on Saturday, Nov. 26 and Sunday,
Nov. 27 both from 9:00am to 10:50am. Speakers can use Japanese, English or native
languages. We are looking forward to having your submissions.
1. Please email the Submission Form for Paper Presentation to the society office ( )
with your name, affiliations, abstracts and other necessary information.
Submission form deadline: Wednesday, Aug 31, 2022
2. The program committee will review your submission upon receipt. Notification of
acceptance will be informed to the corresponding author before Sep 20 in e-mail.
Notifications of acceptance: Tuesday, Sep 20, 2022
3. Please send your full paper after your submission is accepted before the
following deadline.
Full paper submission deadline: Thursday, Oct 20, 2022
2022年11月26日(土)・27日(日)に、しごと能力研究学会 国際大会(統一テーマ「新時代におけるしごと能力―伝統と新技術の展開の中で変わらぬもの変わるもの、そして変革―」)が開催されます。会場は、早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパスでの対面方式とzoomによるオンライン方式のハイブリット開催です。
1. 研究報告の希望者は、「自由論題報告申込書」に氏名、所属、報告要旨等の必要事項を記入の上、下記の学会事務局宛にEメールの添付ファイルにてご提出下さい。
「自由論題報告申込書」提出期限: 2022年8月31日(水)
2. 研究報告を行う為には、大会実行委員会における審査に通る必要があります。要旨審査の結果は9月20日までに「自由論題報告申込書」に記載されたEメール宛に連絡されます。
要旨の審査結果: 2022年9月20日(火)までに自由論題報告申込者にEメールにて連絡
3. 要旨の審査に通った応募者は以下の期日までに論文を提出して下さい。
論文提出期限: 2022年10月20日(木)
call for paper
以下の要領で自由論題報告を募集いたします。開催地は東京ですが、参加形式はon lineとface to faceのいずれかを選択できます。また、使用言語は、同時通訳技術を活用する事により、報告者の母語、あるいは日本語、英語等を用いる事を可能としました。奮ってご応募いただきたく存じます。
しごと能力研究学会会長 藁谷 友紀 2022年度大会組織委員会委員長 関 千里